"A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality. "
-- John F. Kennedy

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation."

"Some people see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not?"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Second Sunday

I found today's date interesting (01-10-2010). Hmmm... Interesting.

I love how 2010 is starting out. Lots of change going on especially in our church. Our worship team (singers & musicians) have started to come on time for practice, people are praying before the services are about to begin, there is a renewed hope and expectancy since that first Sunday of 2010 God spoke to many in the congregation about believing again for greater things this year. Sometimes when we get caught up with our present situation and it seems hopeless we tend to just cling to the present and disregard any hope for the future. This should not be so for there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow -- always. After every storm the sun comes shining again, to every tear shed a smile is not too far behind. The Bible teaches us that we may weep throughout the night but in the morning, joy will come.

At church this morning even while the people were praying you could feel the energy and expectancy rising. I believe God is pleased with an attitude like that and He shows up in places that we do not even expect Him to come -- how much more will He show up for His kids when they are eagerly anticipating to meet with Him in corporate worship?

So we began singing, lifted our hands and God did meet with us. I believe I preached in the power of the Holy Ghost. The congregation responded to the Word of God in an awesome way and we had a nice altar call too.

After the service, one of the guests told the person who brought him to church that "I have been to many denominations in my quest for God but this is the first time I've seen or felt anything like this, not in my entire life!) He says he will bring his wife to church on Sunday and eventually his whole family. Praise God.

Then after lunch I met with our Creative Team. I appreciate these people because they have such big hearts to serve although they are unpaid for their services. They do their tasks with diligence and passion. Just want you to know I appreciate all your efforts. Remember, our reward is in God.

Ensemble rehearsals went smooth sailing as well. All in all, I thank Jesus for making this day count. He always delivers -- without fail.Amen.

1 comment:

  1. khaye said... kuya, i feel the same way... i was given the privilege to be the songeader on the first sunday of the year and the worship was awesome! people are responding very well and it feels like everyone can't get enough of HIS presence...GOD is soooo good!!!
    GOD bless us all this year!!
