So, there I was sitting inside a cab, close to midnight, waiting for the light to turn green. Thoughts were running in my head. How about a cake? Teddy bear? Chocolates? A trip to the Carribean for two? (I was wishing it at that point) Something less expected plus... easy on the budget. "Hmmm..." I sighed. That last consideration definitely limits my choices. Anyway...
My pondering mood was interrupted by a face outside. I turned to see a familiar sight on Philippine streets. A girl of about 6 or 7 years old stood there, smiling -- flowers in hand.
I dunno what hit me, without hesitation I opened my door, and grabbed the flowers! I then pulled out what appeared to be P200. (I didn't look) Anyway, as the light turned green I hurriedly told the child, "Uwi ka na ha." (Go home)
As the cab I was in sped away, I smiled. I felt happy. At last, I found the perfect gift to give. And I didn't just give it to one, I gave it to two.
As for the price of the flowers, I didn't really mind. At that moment, I felt so WEALTHY.
p.s. Joy absolutely loved the 3 red roses and gave me more than just 3 kisses. c",)
pulled it out of my pocket of course